Friday 5 September 2014

Grown Ups (2010)

Should Adam Sandler be associated with the worst comedy films of all time? I think he should because it just appears that most of his movies are riddled with tasteless humor, and this one is no exception. Having seen his name attached to this movie, bad humor has just become his forte.

I have watched this movie and I have to deduce that there is just no plot to begin with. It is just about five boys who have been friends for thirty years. They are reunited after their old coach dies and they go for a weekend on vacation. So what else is there to it? Adults acting like children; children acting like one thing or another; toilet humor; muffled dog bark; painfully realistic stunts. This movie is full of comical tricks that no sensible human being on the planet could ever take seriously.

One thing to note is the dog: "a neighbor filed a complaint; it was either we clip its vocal cords, or put it down." This animal cruelty joke is not something anyone would find humorous. There have been at least several references to killing the dog whose bark was definitely atrocious to the ear. So it was either "kill the dog" or "kill that turkey". Not original.

What sort of woman breastfeeds her child at four?! Talk about child abuse. This idea is not something anyone can overlook in this flick. I could not bear to watch this all the way. Watching a child continue to feed off his mom like that past the age of six months, is like watching a child being beaten with a cane by its stepparent. My goodness, the mom acts like a complete retard!

I have heard of Russian roulette, and a Pyrrhic victory. Who came up with arrow roulette? I am pretty sure the cast and crew were at real risk of death, as was demonstrated by Rob Schneider. I mean, did he really fall foul of that arrow!? It looks so real that he probably had sustained that injury after production!

And there's Mr. Hollywood. The guy played by the director himself. Care to tell us about Rita, or are you going to defer the question? What is with this claptrap about her study, textbooks and examination? This writing is completely retarded and bemusing; I just want to wince in my chair right now.

This movie is a complete pile of trash! From the dialogue of the characters, I think they were not pleased with the writing or humor in this movie. They themselves were completely juvenile and appalling to any logical person. Was this movie just a game for the actors to revile each other for their own writing? I guess Sandler is a contender alongside Boll and Shyamalan for the title once held by Ed Wood for the worst director ever, even if he is not the actual director of this particular movie.

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